How To Make A Keepsake Dog Or Puppy Paw Print

Thank you for being my puppy, my favorite pet, friend, companion, mischievous buddy. We love you so much!

Make this framed keepsake dog or puppy paw print to have forever and memorialize your furry friends. It’s both classy and meaningful!

Puppy Paw Print Supplies

IMPORTANT: Dogs that have longer fur will be next to impossible to get a clean paw print unless the fur is trimmed. Also, many dogs do not like their feet touched. Don’t ever force your dog to do something that scares them.


Gather your supplies. You can use regular paper but watercolor paper gives a much nicer print and finish!

Paint your palm gold, making sure to cover it well.

Make sure there are no gaps in the paint.

Make sure you plan ahead for your frame so you know exactly where your hand needs to be placed. Press your hand down firmly on the center of the paper. You may need to take your other hand to help with pressure. It’s a good idea to do some test runs to know exactly how much pressure to use.

The final print

Feel free to touch up any gaps if needed.

Take your little pups paw and press it into the watercolor

Do some test runs on the paw print also before doing the final

Press the paw in place.

Shooping —> Nassau fine art marker

Perfect memories ME & SNOOPY

Frame your art and hang!

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